MBA not as upbeat as CREFC

Last week’s MBA CREF conference was more subdued than January’s CMBS-centric CREFC conference. While the mood was cautiously optimistic — and definitely better than last year — the MBA CREF conference lacked the jubilation expressed at CREFC. That’s because CMBS was absolutely dead last year. Opening the coffin on the asset class has put most […]

Upbeat mood at CREFC conference

I attended the annual CREFC CMBS Investor conference in Washington DC last week, where the mood was definitely upbeat. So positive, in fact, that some people were already warning about slipping underwriting standards! Headed back to South Beach Perhaps the biggest sign that the market is back was the announcement that the 2012 conference will […]

MISMO update: Two more years!

I was re-elected to the Commercial Board of Governors of MISMO for another two-year term, so I will remain active in MISMO at least through 2013. MISMO, which stands for the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organizations (, is a standard-making body run by MERS and owned by the MBA.

2010: Industry makes progress while waiting on the SEC

I expected the SEC to release the final Reg AB language before the end of the year, but that did not happen. So, for a final post of the year, I thought I’d highlight steps the industry has taken on its own to improve transparency and investor protections, as well as define CMBS 2.0. Upon […]

CREFC mini conference: some good, some not

I attended a CREFC mini-conference in New York this week titled “2010 Market Initiatives: Overview and Updates.” The half-day session provided an update on financial regulatory reform and CREFC’s efforts to improve transparency outside SEC directives by creating industry consensus. Some of the results are good, some are not good.


I never realized winning a World Series was so exciting and exhausting. I came close to living in cities where the home team won the Fall Classic (San Francisco 2002, Boston 1986) but this was the first time my home team actually got it done. Every series (Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Texas) was a thrill and […]

CREFC updates IRP

For the first time in years, CREFC has proposed an increase in data disclosure by proposing a new report, the Loan Modification Report, to be effective Dec. 1, 2010. It isn’t perfect, but it is progress. This report is designed for Special Servicers to use when they modify a loan. CMBS Investors have demanded this […]

Burning fuel

Fighter jets and race cars — what could be better?

Regulation AB responses submitted

I helped draft letters from CREFC, MBA and MISMO to the SEC commenting on the proposed Regulation AB changes. The letters were filed Aug. 2. While all of them supported the concept of transparency, none of them proposed a data list to actually achieve transparency. So I also wrote my own letter.